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Author: William Stratton

December 1, 2020
William Stratton

Right People + Right Seats = Success

A Common Denominator When it comes to great businesses, they all have one thing in common: the right people who fit the organization’s culture, values, and behaviors are in the right seats. Jim Collins’ book, Good to Great, speaks to the idea of getting the right people into the organization and then placed in the […]
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October 6, 2020
William Stratton

The Four Simple Truths That Will Make You A Great Boss

“I want to be a great boss,” is something I hear frequently. Surprisingly to some, being a great boss is a choice, not a trait. If you’re ready to embody all that encompasses a “great boss,” you must first understand these 4 truths. The 4 Truths To Being a Great Boss¹ Being a great boss […]
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August 14, 2020
William Stratton

How Dysfunction Destroys and Trust Preveils

The foundation of an effective, healthy, and cohesive team is vulnerability-based trust. How is that so? When vulnerability-based trust starts with a team’s leader, team members can follow suit. Sharing doubts, admitting mistakes, and listening to everyone’s thoughts and concerns is the basis of team trust. Patrick Lencioni’s book “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team” […]
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July 3, 2020
William Stratton

Clarify Your Vision: Tools to keep your business focused and on track

“More businesses die from indigestion than starvation.”  - Dave Packard, Co-founder of Hewlett-Packard As business leaders, we can easily get caught up in many projects and operations. Often, the real roadblock for business success isn’t a lack of motivation but an approach without focus, taking on too many things at once. Can you relate? If […]
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