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Tag: Business Strategy

Leadership roles
July 10, 2024
William Stratton

My Journey from CEO to EOS Implementer®

My Background Before EOS® Working in various leadership roles in the manufacturing industry throughout my career, I’ve experienced similar challenges to those that the leadership teams of the organizations I help as an EOS Implementer face. I started at a Fortune 500 company in Allentown. After eight years, I left to work at a small […]
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Great Boss
May 22, 2024
William Stratton

Best Practices for Being a Great Boss

There’s No “Right” Way to Be a Leader, But You Need Two Essential Qualities to Do It Well In their book, “What It Takes to Be a Great Boss,” Gino Wickman and René Boor help leaders, managers, and supervisors leverage the People component of the EOS® Model to create a productive and motivated workforce. Often, […]
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Core Processes
May 8, 2024
William Stratton

How to Leverage Your Business’s Secret Sauce — Your Core Processes

As a business owner, you probably understand the importance of consistency and scalability, but how to achieve them may be less evident. Establishing and implementing clearly defined core processes unique to your business model is an essential part of getting everyone on the same page and positioning your organization for growth. But what are your […]
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Cash Flow
April 30, 2024
William Stratton

Stagnant Cash Flow? How to Turn the Tide

Cash flow is the lifeblood of every business. However, I’ve found many leaders do not consider how their decisions and actions affect their organization’s profitability and cash flow. Several mistakes that negatively impact cash flow include: Not raising prices often enough Discounting rates too often Inefficient processes that thwart productivity Lack of quality control, resulting […]
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