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Tag: Entrepreneur

People Component™
June 26, 2024
William Stratton

How to Get the People Component™ Right In Your Organization: Part 2

Tips for Using the Accountability Chart™ to Assess If Your Right People Are in the Right Seats My previous blog post kicked off our discussion about the People Component of the EOS model®, focusing on my tips for using the EOS People Analyzer™ tool to assess if your organization has the right people, specifically those […]
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Cash Flow
April 30, 2024
William Stratton

Stagnant Cash Flow? How to Turn the Tide

Cash flow is the lifeblood of every business. However, I’ve found many leaders do not consider how their decisions and actions affect their organization’s profitability and cash flow. Several mistakes that negatively impact cash flow include: Not raising prices often enough Discounting rates too often Inefficient processes that thwart productivity Lack of quality control, resulting […]
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