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Tag: Vision/Traction Organizer

Core Processes
May 8, 2024
William Stratton

How to Leverage Your Business’s Secret Sauce — Your Core Processes

As a business owner, you probably understand the importance of consistency and scalability, but how to achieve them may be less evident. Establishing and implementing clearly defined core processes unique to your business model is an essential part of getting everyone on the same page and positioning your organization for growth. But what are your […]
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July 3, 2020
William Stratton

Clarify Your Vision: Tools to keep your business focused and on track

“More businesses die from indigestion than starvation.”  - Dave Packard, Co-founder of Hewlett-Packard As business leaders, we can easily get caught up in many projects and operations. Often, the real roadblock for business success isn’t a lack of motivation but an approach without focus, taking on too many things at once. Can you relate? If […]
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